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Annelies for Soprano Solo, SATB, Clarinet, Violin, Violoncello and Piano Score
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6 Notturni (Canzonettas) KV 346(439a)- 436 - 439 - 549 (3 Voices[SSB]- 3 Bassethorns[2 Clar.- Bassethorn])
Lauft, ihr Hirten, allzugleich Sopr.solo-Gem.Chor-Streicher und Bc Partitur (dt./engl.)
Levertijd: 8-12 werkdagen
Dark Night of the Soul SSAATTBB-String Quartet and Piano Fullscore
Levertijd: 6-8 werkdagen
Juditha Triumphans Sacrum Militare Oratorium RV 644
Levertijd: 2-4 werkdagen
Great Concert Arias (Soprano-Orchestra)
Levertijd: 4-5 weken
Das Lied von der Erde Tenor-Alt [Bar.]-Orch. Partitur
Laetatus Sum (RV 607)
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Cantus Planus 2 Soprano Voices and 7 Instruments
Como cierva sedienta (Sopran oder Frauenchor und Orchester)
Armenische Hymnen (Alto Voice-SATBarB- 2 Oboes)
Summer 1955 Bass-Low Female Voice- 2 high Sopranos and Ensemble Study Score
Haec Est Regina virginum HWV 235 Sopran-Streicher-Bc Partitur
The Woman and the Hare for Soprano, Reciter and Ensemble