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Sonatine Violin and Piano
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Sonate 2 Piano's
Levertijd: 2 weken
Pastorale (1940) Oboe-Piano
Les Adieux Piano
Sonate Hobo solo
Ubi Sum? (1995) (tekst uit Seneca's Agamemnon) Soprano
Sonatine Pastorale
3 Inventions (1942) for Flute and Violin
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Sonata Treble Recorder-Piano
Trio Op.7 (1934)
Concerto Op.29 (1956)
12 Fantasias TWV 040:2 - 13 with contributions by Dutch Composers for Eleanore Pameijer
12 Caricatures Musicales Op.8
Trio op.27 Violin-Violoncello and Piano