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The Best of Einaudi for Piano
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Stabat Mater RV 621 Alto Voice-Strings-Bc (Vocalscore)
Guida Teorico-Pratica Vol.3 / 4
Tosca Vocal Score (English/Italian)
Toccata & Fugue D-minor BWV 565 Piano
Suor Angelica Vocal Score (ital./engl.)
Stanze Piano solo
Don Carlo (4 Acts) Vocal Score (it.)
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25 Sonatas for Harpsichord [Piano]
Il Tramonto Mezzo-Soprano with String Quartet
15 Studi Facili per Piccole Mani
La Forza del Destino Vocal Score (Italian)
Arie Antiche for Voice and Piano Book with Cd with Full Performances & Orchestra Accomp.
24 Studies of Easy Mechanism
L'Italiana in Algeri Vocal Score (it./engl.)
Madame Butterfly Vocal Score (English and Italian Text)