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A Tune a day Vol.1 Trombone of Bariton [Euphonium]
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Morceau symphonique op. 88 und Morceau de lecture Trombone-Piano
Cavatine OP.144
Trombone Album for Trombone or Baritone Bass Clef
Levertijd: 6-8 werkdagen
Studies in Rhythm (Trombone[TC/BC]) (Bk-Cd)
Levertijd: 2-4 werkdagen
Weihnachtsmusik Vol.1 3 Trombones
Levertijd: 8-12 werkdagen
Best of Musical for Trombone (Solo Arrangements of 14 Classic Songs) (Bk-Cd)
Cadenza Trombone solo
Levertijd: 2-3 weken
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Weihnachtsmusik Vol.2 (3 Trombones)
Method Vol.1
Orchestral Excerpts from the Symphonic Repertoire Vol.2
Levertijd: 3-4 weken
Schule Vol.2 Posaune
Method Vol.2
At the Last Trump Op.50
Contest & Festival Performance Solos for Trombone-Piano
Levertijd: 1-2 weken
Variations sur Canape