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The Rose SATB and piano with Optional String Quartet
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Sing Gently SATB with Piano
Earth Song SATB a Cappella (with Piano Part for Rehearsal Only)
Spotless Rose
Levertijd: 2-4 werkdagen
Muusika Psalm 104 SATB a Cappella
Ecce Novum SATB-Piano with Optional String Quartet
4 Heine Lieder SATB
Here Comes the Sun SATB
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Dark & Luminous Night for SSAATTBB, Piano and String Quartet Vocal Score
4 Redeloze Zangen gem.koor-piano
Evening Prayer SATB with Divisi with Piano and Tenor Saxophone
A Christmas Blessing SATB-Piano[Organ]
Psaume 121 Je Lève Mes Yeux SATB
Cantique de Jean Racine Op.11 SATB met Orgel of Piano
This is me SATB
And So It Goes SATB