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Puusarja - The Trees - 5 Pieces Op.75 for Piano
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Theme and Variations d-minor JS 196 Cello solo
Piano Miniatures
Canon g-minor Violin and Cello
5 Christmas Songs Op.1 (Viisi Joululaulua) for Voice and Piano
Suite Op. 117 Violin and Piano
String Trio G-Minor for Violin-Viola-Violincello Set of Parts
Andante Festivo String Quartet
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Suite A-major Violin-Viola and Cello Parts
Rondo for Viola and Piano
Levertijd: 6-8 werkdagen
Kukkasarja / The Flowers Op.85 for Piano Solo
3 Early Pieces Violoncello-Piano
Andante festivo 4 Saxophones (SATB)
6 Humoresques Op. 87 and Op. 89 Violin and Orchestra
5 Pieces Op.81 for Violin and Piano
Adagio d-minor String Quartet Score