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20 Bekende Kerstliederen / 20 Well-Known Christmas Songs for Voice and Piano
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21 Bekende Sint-Nicolaasliederen voor Piano met Zang
20 Sint Nicolaas-en Kerstliederen voor piano Zeer Eenvoudig
10 Rhythmical Dances Piano 4 Hands
10 Folk and Rhythmical Dances for Piano 4 Hands
Four Hands Playing Rhythm and Expression Vol.1 for Piano 4 Hands
Four Hands Playing Rhythm and Expression Vol.2 for Piano 4 Hands
15 Small Two-Part Polyphonic Studies
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Partita Rhythmique Piano solo
Melodie en Ritme Piano / Melody and Rhythm - 10 Pieces for Piano Solo
7 Sonatinas Vol.1 (No.1 - 4) for Piano Solo and Piano 4 Hands
Holiday Impressions Piano solo
Menuet and Small Overture for Violin, Violoncello and Piano
7 Sonatinas Vol.2
Old Song and Lively Dance
Pippeloentje uit Logeren en 5 liedjes op teksten van Annie M.G.Schmidt