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Baroque Flute Anthology for Flute Vol.2 (25 Works) (Flute-Piano)
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Baroque Flute Anthology for Flute with Piano Vol.1 (36 Works)
Alle Jahre Wieder (Die schonsten Weihnachtslieder) (Flute-Piano)
Classical Highlights for Flute and Piano
Levertijd: 6-8 werkdagen
Allegro-Adagio e Folia (17 Easy to Interm. Sonata Movements from 18th.Cent. Italy) (Violin[Fl./Ob.]-Bc
Thistle & Minuet 16 Easy Pieces from the Scottish Baroque for Violin [Flute/Oboe] and Piano (Violoncello [Bassoon] ad Lib.) Book with Cd
4 Scottish Sonatas for Violin [or Flute) and Bc [opt. Cello/ Bassoon]