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9 Deutsche Arien HWV 202 - 210 Sopran-Violine [Flote/Oboe]-Bc
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9 deutsche Arien HWV 202 - 210 Sopran-Violine [Flöte/Oboe]-Bc
Mi Palpita il Cor HWV 132b Soprano-Oboe-Bc
La Califfa Sopran-Violin[Oboe]-Piano
Levertijd: 2-3 weken
Liederen van de Nijl Op. 44 Soprano and Oboe [Flute]
Levertijd: 2-4 werkdagen
Aria 'Oche Nuove Stupor' Mezzo-Soprano-Violin- [Flute/Recorder/Oboe]-Bc
3 English Songs
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Complete Arias and Sinfonias from the Cantatas, Masses, Oratorios Vol.8 Tenor Voice-Oboe and Bc
Levertijd: 6-8 werkdagen
Bel 020-679 65 75 of chat met ons
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Complete Arias and Sinfonias from the Cantatas, Masses, Oratorios Vol. 9 Tenor / Bass Voice-Oboe and Bc
Quanto dolce e quell'ardore Soprano.-Oboe-Bc)
Ti sento, O Dio bendato (Cantata) Soprano-Oboe and Bc
Complete Arias and Sinfonias from the Cantatas, Masses, Oratorios Vol. 3 Soprano-Oboe and Bc
Quanto dolce e quell'ardore
Levertijd: 2 weken
Recit./Aria 'Triumph of Time and Truth'
Ariette from 'Le Maitre en Droit'
Andate, o miei sospiri (Cantata) Soprano (e'-a'')- 2 Oboes and Continuo