Viola Arrangements (6 Famous Pieces) (4 Violas) - Album
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arr. Wolfgang Birtel
Ontvang 1.550 Poppels bij dit product
Overige informatie:
arr. Wolfgang Birtel
Ontvang 1.550 Poppels bij dit product
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'It is therefore quite wrong to place just mechanical or mediocre players at the viola', warned Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart in 1784/85 in his 'Ideen zu einer Ästhetik der Tonkunst'. Some disregard for the instrument still exists today, if you think of the large number of viola jokes. But seriously, the viola has of course become emancipated and has of course got its place in the orchestra, as a solo instrument or in chamber music, even if, admittedly, the repertoire is smaller than that for the violin or violoncello. Wolfgang Birtel has extended the repertoire by adding six viola quartets, arrangements ranging from classical titles such as the famous Bach Air, a mazurka by Chopin, 'Salut d'amour' by Elgar to more entertaining titles: from the catchy tune of the Gavotte by Gossec to Martini's 'Plaisir d'amour', which is no less resistant to the ear, and finally to salon music with Noack's 'Heinzelmännchens Wachparade' - all highly entertaining, both for playing and listening!