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4 Stucke Op.17 (edited by Wolfgang Birtel)
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Elegie Op. 23 Violine-Violoncello-Klavier
Kompositionen fur Violine und Klavier
Levertijd: 6-8 werkdagen
Melodie for 2 Violins
4 Pieces Op.17 Vol.1
Meditation on the Old Czech Hymn "St Wenceslas" for String Quartet Op.35a 2 Vi.-Va.-Vc. Parts
Bagatelle Flute-Violin-Piano
Quartet No.2 Op.31 (2 Vi.-Va.-Vc.) (Parts)
Bel 020-679 65 75 of chat met ons
is vandaag verstuurd
Trio c-moll Op.2 Violin-Violoncello-Piano
Quartet Op.1 (Vi.-Va.-Vc.-Piano)
Erlebtes und Ertraumtes (Things Lived and Dreamt) Op.30
Intermezzo - Blind Musicians from 'Summer Tale' Op.29 for 2 English Horns and Piano
4 Pieces Op.17 Vol.2
Barcarolle & Ballade
Meditation on the Old Czech Hymn "St Wenceslas" for String Quartet Op.35a 2 Vi.-Va.-Vc. Study Score
Quartet No.1 Op.11 ((2 Vi.-Va.-Vc.)