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Dichterliebe Op.48 (A Cycle of 16 Songs) for Low Voice and Piano
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Dichterliebe Op. 48 for Medium Voice and Piano
3 Romances Op.94 Flute and Piano
Frauenliebe und Leben Op.42 High Voice
6 Canonic Etudes Op.56 2 Piano's (2 Scores)
Fantasy Pieces Op.73 bis Viola and Piano
Frauenliebe und Leben Op.42 Low Voice
Levertijd: 3-4 weken
Concerto a-minor Op.29 Violoncello with 2nd. cello
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Adagio & Allegro Op.70 Viola-Piano
Dichterliebe opus 48 (A cycle of 16 songs)
Adagio & Allegro A flat-major Op.70 Oboe and Piano
5 Pieces in Folk Style Op.102 Viola and Piano
Liederkreis Op. 39 High Voice
Sonata No.1 A-Minor Op.105 bis
Adagio & Allegro Op.70
Fairy Tales Op.132