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Messa da Requiem Vocalscore
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Nisi Dominus (Psalm 126) RV 608 Contralto-Strings and Bc Vocal Score
Gloria RV 589 2 Sopranos, Contralto, SATB Chorus and Orchestra Vocal Score
Stabat Mater RV 621 Alto Voice-Strings-Bc (Vocalscore)
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L'Elisir d'Amore Vocal Score (Italian)
Magnificat RV 610a- 611 SSAT soli-SATB/SATB-Piano Vocal Score
Tosca Vocal Score (English/Italian)
La Traviata Vocal Score (Italian)
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Cavalleria Rusticana Vocal Score
Nabucco Vocal Score (it.)
La Boheme Vocal Score
Aida Vocal Score (it.)
Messa di Gloria (Soli-Choir-Orch.)
Suor Angelica Vocal Score (ital./engl.)
La Boheme Vocal Score (Italian Only)
Don Carlo (4 Acts) Vocal Score (it.)