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Pacem TTBB with Violin obligato
Levertijd: 2-4 werkdagen
Ubi Caritas TTBB
4 Petites Prieres de Saint Francois d'Assise TBB
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Be still my Soul Hymn on a Theme from Finlandia Op.26 Mannerchor TTBB
Levertijd: 6-8 werkdagen
De Profundis Mannerchor-Orgel mit Schlazeug ad lib. Orgelpartitur
Away from the Roll of the Sea for TTBB with Piano
Levertijd: 4-6 weken
Integrale de la Musique pour Choeur a Cappella Vol.3 Musique Chorale voix d'hommes
Dirait-On from Les Chansons de Roses for Men's Chorus TTBB and Piano
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Cantique de Noel (Minuit Chretien) TTBB with Baritone solo and Piano accomp
Prosimy Cie (from Kadish) (2009) Mannerchor TTBB
9 Carols for Male Voices Vocal Score
Messe cum Jubilo Op.11 Baritone solo-Baritone choir-Orchestra-Organ Vocal Score
Va Pensiero Sull'ali Dorati from Nabucco SATB-Piano
The Parting Glass TTBB
Brothers, Sing On TTBB
One Light (A Hannukkah Song) TTB-Piano