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Symphony No.2 - 4th and 5th Movement for Orchestra, Mixed Choir,Soprano and Alto Solo (1894 rev.1910) Vocal Score
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Symphony No.4 G-major (Soprano with Orchestra)
24 Songs vol.4 High Voice
24 Songs vol.1 High Voice
15 Lieder-Humoresken und Balladen aus des Knaben Wunderhorn
Das himmlische Leben (The heavenly life) from "Des Knaben Wunderhorn" Soprano-Clarinet and Piano
Symphony No.8 "Symphony of a Thousand" Vocal Score
24 Songs vol.2 High Voice
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Kindertotenlieder Hohe Stimme
Levertijd: 6-8 werkdagen
24 Songs vol.3 High Voice
7 Lieder aus letzter Zeit
Wir Geniessen die Himmlischen Freuden Gesang und Klavier
Symphony No. 4 Finale Soprano and Orchestra
Symphony No. 4 for Soprano and large Orchestra Fullscore
Symphony No. 4 Soprano and Orchestra Full Score
Kindertoten-Lieder High Voice