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5 Leichte Suiten aus dem Barock Altblockflöte (Fl./Ob./Vi.) und Bc
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Concerto d-minor for Oboe, Strings and Bc Edition for Oboe and Piano
Sonate G-dur Op. 13 No. 4 fur Oboe und Bc
Arioso for Oboe and Piano
Concerto No.1 d-minor Oboe and Orchestra - Edition for Oboe and Piano
Jesus bleibet meine Freude (Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring) fur Oboe und Klavier
Bolero for Flute [Oboe] and Piano (in an easy arrangement)
Sonate Oboe-Piano
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Sonate g-moll RV 458 (Op.13A No.6) Altblockflote[Flöte/Oboe/Violine] und Bc
Levertijd: 6-8 werkdagen
Pavane Op.50 Oboe-Klavier
Concerto a-minor RV 461 (P.42) Oboe-Strings-Bc
Konzert for Oboe and Orchestra
Classical Highlights for Oboe and Piano (Book with Online Material)
Carolan's Concerto - 15 Easy to Intermediate Pieces from 18th.Cent. Ireland Flute [Vi./Ob.] and Piano
Partita No. 4 g-minor Oboe and Bc
3 Pieces Op.31