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6 Lieder Flote-Klavier
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Sonate Undine Op.167 Flute-Piano
Prelude a l'Apres Midi d'un Faune Flute and Piano
Ballade for Flute and Piano
Rumänische Volkstänze Flöte-Klavier
Sonata Opus 120 No. 1 for Flute and Piano
Rondo D-dur KV Anh. 184 Flute-Piano
Pavane and Sicilienne for Flute and Piano
Levertijd: 6-8 werkdagen
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Play-Alongs for Flute - 21 selected pieces from Bach to Satie for Flute-Piano Book with Audio Online
Walzer No. 2 aus „Suite für Varieté-Orchester“ für Flöte und Klavier
City Snapshots for 1-2 Flutes with CD or Piano accompaniment
Sonate Op.30 Nr.3 G-dur Flöte-Klavier
Bilitis Flute and Piano
Suite Paysanne Hongroise Flute-Piano
Spanische Tanze Flöte und Klavier
Celtic – Play Along for Flute with CD or Piano accompaniment