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Nordic Songs & Dances (Harp+Instr)
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Cadenzas to Mozart's Flute-Harpconcerto KV 299 C-major
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Dance Around, Turn Around for Flute [or Recorder-Violin-Bb Clarinet] and Harp Score and Parts
Trio Originale C-major Op.75 for Flute, Viola [Violin/ 2nd Flute] and Piano Score and Parts
4 Trios Opus 16 2 Flutes [Fl./Vi.]-Violoncello (Parts)
Plaint-Chant (1963) Flute-Harp
Songs for Strings (Snarenspel/Saitenspiel) Harp[without pedals] with Instruments)
Sonata D-major Cembalo Concertato-Flute [Violin] - Violoncello and Piano
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3 Quartets Op.28
Euro Suite Flute-Guitar
A Bouquet of Melodies for the small Harp
Dance of the Eighth Veil
3 Sonates Opus 45 Flute-Viola.[Vc.]) (Parts)