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Cello Solos for Cello and Piano
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Concertino No.4 C-major Violoncelle et Piano
Bach for the Cello - Piano
Concertino No.2 C-major Violoncello-Piano
12 Morceaux Faciles Op.4 Vol.3 Cello-Piano
Concerto C-dur Hob.VIIb:1 for Violoncello and Orchestra Edition for Violoncello and Piano
Vocalise Op.34 No.14 Violoncello-Piano
6 Sonaten RV 40 - 41 - 43 - 45 - 46 - 47 Violoncello und Bc
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12 Morceaux Faciles Op.4 Vol.1 Cello-Piano
3 Sonaten Violoncello-Bc
Elegie Op.24 Violoncello and Piano
The Swan - Le Cygne (from The Carnival of the Animals) for Violoncello and Piano
Fantasiestucke Op.73 Edition for Violoncello and Piano
Sonaten Violoncello und Klavier
6 Very Easy Pieces Op.22 Viola-Klavier
12 Morceaux Faciles Op.4 Vol.4 Cello-Piano