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Bach for the Cello - Piano
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3 Sonaten nach BWV 1027 - 1029 Violoncello-Bc
Arioso for Violin or Violoncello and Piano
3 Sonaten BWV 1027 - 1029 Viola da Gamba (Violoncello)-Bc
Air (from Orchestral Suite No.3 BWV 1068) for Violoncello and Piano
Intermediate Bach for Cello
Adagio from Toccata C-major BWV 564 for Organ
Levertijd: 1-2 weken
Arioso from Cantata no.156 for Violoncello-Piano Book with Audio Online
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Air aus der Orchestersuite Nr.3 BWV 1068 Violoncello und Klavier
Gavotte 1 und 2 aus der Orchestersuite No. 3 BWV 1068 Violoncello und Klavier
Jesus bleibet meine Freude Violoncello-Klavier (Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring)
Levertijd: 6-8 werkdagen
Concerto a-minor after BWV 593 (Vc.-Str.-Bc) (piano red.)
Italian Concerto for Violoncello and Piano
Levertijd: 8-12 werkdagen
Suite No. 1 BWV 1007 Violoncello and Bc
Air on G - String for Cello and Piano (Score and Part)
Air from Suite No.3 D Major BWV 1068
Levertijd: 3-4 weken