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Konzert d-moll BWV 1043 fur 2 Violinen-Streicher und Bc Ausgabe fur 2 Violinen und Klavier
Direct leverbaar
Duos KV 423 - 424 Violine und Viola (Part./Stimmen)
Moldau for two Flutes
The Carnival of the Animals for 2 Flutes
Levertijd: 6-8 werkdagen
6 Sonaten im Kanon Op.5 Vol.1 TWV 40: 118-120 for 2 Flutes or 2 Violins
Classic Hits for 2 Flutes
Violin Recital Album Vol.1 Violin and Piano (1st.Pos.)
6 Sonaten Op. 2 Vol. 1 (1727) TWV 40:101 - 103 fur 2 Flöten (oder 2 Violinen)
Bel 020-679 65 75 of chat met ons
is vandaag verstuurd
Triosonate G-dur BWV 1039 2 Flöten-Bc
6 Sonaten im Kanon Op.5 Vol.2 TWV 40:118-123 for 2 Flutes or 2 Violins
Schabbes, Schabbes 2 Altblockflöten
6 Sonaten Op. 2 Vol .2 (1727) TWV 40:104 - 106 fur 2 Flöten (oder 2 Violinen)
Complete Works 2 Pianos Score (2 copies needed for performance)
Duets-Trios and Ensemble Movements from Handel's Operas for (2 - 3 Voices and Bc (ital.)
Christmas Hits fur 2 Violoncellos
Violin Recital Album Vol.2 (Violin-Piano) (1st.Pos.)