The Tempered Piano - Niels Viggo Bentzon

A Selection of Preludes and Fugues from Vol. 1 - 13

Sheet music

Bentzon The Tempered Piano (A Selection of Preludes and Fugues from Vol. 1 - 13) Bentzon The Tempered Piano (A Selection of Preludes and Fugues from Vol. 1 - 13) Bentzon The Tempered Piano (A Selection of Preludes and Fugues from Vol. 1 - 13)
Bentzon The Tempered Piano (A Selection of Preludes and Fugues from Vol. 1 - 13)






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All I do is write down what comes. Sometimes a huge amount comes, at other times nothing at all. I’m not in control.' That is how Niels Viggo Bentzon described his own process of composing when I once asked him how he had planned and composed this enormous work. 'They are almost frozen improvisations, and when I’ve written it down, I don’t do very much more with it. If it’s good or bad is something other people must decide.' I have never forgotten these sentences. For precisely this statement, that 'other people must decide what is good or bad', is what gave me the idea for this recording.

Niels Viggo Bentzon (who always signed himself NVB) composed his first collection of preludes and fugues in all major and minor keys in 1964. The inspiration came from Johann Sebastian Bach’s Das Wohltemperierte Klavier, but also from Paul Hindemith’s Ludus Tonalis (1942) and Dmitri Shostakovich’s 24 Preludes and Fugues (1952), which were both modern versions of Das Wohltemperierte Klavier. Ten years later, NVB composed Volume 2, and over the years he continued to compose a number of complete volumes. The final collection, Volume 13, was composed as late as 1996. Unfortunately, only Volume 1 was printed and published, while the rest only exists in manuscript form that is extremely hard to read. This enormous cornerstone of Danish piano music has therefore never had the wide circulation that one could have hoped for.













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