I Want to Be a Guitarist - Lukas Sommer

Easy Pieces for Guitar

Sheet music

Sommer I Want to Be a Guitarist (Easy Pieces for Guitar) Sommer I Want to Be a Guitarist (Easy Pieces for Guitar) Sommer I Want to Be a Guitarist (Easy Pieces for Guitar)
Sommer I Want to Be a Guitarist (Easy Pieces for Guitar)






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Product description

This children’s album by renowned Czech composer-guitarist Lukáš Sommer reflects the latest trends in playing and teaching the guitar. It is suitable for the first three years of lessons. Some of the pieces have even been performed by children and young guitar students at competitions and concerts in Europe.

Each of these little programme pieces is written in a different style with brief explanations of its technical features. Several are composed in an open-ended form that allows players to define the rhythm or to add an accompaniment on open bass strings. In this way the author grants leeway to the learners’ creativity and stimulates their musical imagination.

The pieces are easy to play and the edition comes with attractive illustrations, some of which can be coloured in.


  • Preface / Vorwort
  • Sommer, Lukáš
  • Zlobivý pejsek / Naughty Pup / Der unartige Hund
  • Jako na loutnu / As on a Lute / Wie auf der Laute
  • Ztracená panenka / Lost Doll / Die verlorene Puppe
  • Malý rocker / Little Rocker / Der kleine Rocker
  • Tri kopecky zmrzliny / Three Scoops of Ice Cream / Drei Kugeln Eis:
  • 1. Vanilková / Vanilla / Vanille
  • 2. Karamelová / Caramel / Karamell
  • 3. Citronová / Lemon / Zitrone
  • Jsem skladatel / I'm a Composer / Ich bin ein Komponist
  • Písen pro maminku / Song for Mum / Ein Lied für Mama
  • Dve skladby na víkend / Two Pieces for the Weekend / Zwei Stücke für das Wochenende:
  • 1. Sobotní výlet / Saturday Outing / Samstagsausflug
  • 2. Nedelní písen o letadlech / Sunday Song of Planes / Sonntagslied über Flugzeuge
  • Vítr ve vlasech / Wind in the Hair / Wind im Haar
  • A chci a chci! / I Want I Want! / Ich will und will!
  • Se žvýkackou v puse / While Chewing Gum / Mit dem Kaugummi im Mund
  • Spiderman
  • Po stopách Faraona / In the Pharaoh's Footsteps / Auf den Spuren des Pharao
  • Kung-fu
  • Na návšteve u malíre / Visit to the Painter / Zu Besuch beim Maler:
  • 1. Lod' bláznu / Ship of Loons / Das Narrenschiff
  • 2. Podivný pán s kloboukem / Odd Gent with a Hat / Der komische Herr mit dem Hut
  • 3. V polích / In the Fields / In den Feldern
  • 4. Námornici / Sailors / Seeleute
  • V zámecké zahrade / In a Fancy Garden / Im Schlossgarten
  • Tvuj úsmev / Your Smile / Dein Lächeln
  • Jsi tak daleko... / You're So Distant... / Du bist so weit weg...
  • Menuet námesícníka / Sleepwalker's Minuet / Menuett des Schlafwandlers
  • Tango
  • Zvony / Bells / Glocken
  • Poutník / Pilgrim / Der Wanderer
  • Pozdrav slunci / Greetings to the Sun / Gruß an die Sonne
  • Preludium a Gigue / Prelude and Gigue / Präludium und Gigue:
  • 1. Preludium / Prelude / Präludium
  • 2. Gigue
  • Písen pro andela / Song for an Angel / Lied für einen Engel
  • Dívka na koni / Girl on a Horse / Das Mädchen auf dem Pferd
  • Rumba pro Terezu / Rumba for Teresa / Rumba für Tereza











Sound clips

  • Sommer I Want to Be a Guitarist (Easy Pieces for Guitar)
  • Sommer I Want to Be a Guitarist (Easy Pieces for Guitar)


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