3 Stille Lieder Op.50 for Voice (Mezzo Soprano or Alto) and Piaono or Harp - Jacob ter Veldhuis

Text Friedrich Holderlin

Sheet music

Veldhuis 3 Stille Lieder Op.50 for Voice (Mezzo Soprano or Alto) and Piaono or Harp (Text Friedrich Holderlin) Veldhuis 3 Stille Lieder Op.50 for Voice (Mezzo Soprano or Alto) and Piaono or Harp (Text Friedrich Holderlin) Veldhuis 3 Stille Lieder Op.50 for Voice (Mezzo Soprano or Alto) and Piaono or Harp (Text Friedrich Holderlin) Veldhuis 3 Stille Lieder Op.50 for Voice (Mezzo Soprano or Alto) and Piaono or Harp (Text Friedrich Holderlin)
Veldhuis 3 Stille Lieder Op.50 for Voice (Mezzo Soprano or Alto) and Piaono or Harp (Text Friedrich Holderlin)




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Product description

This composition is related to 'Postnuclear Winterscenario', 'Diverso il Tempo' and 'Triangolo', all written during the same period. The plain score is based on the two-sharp diatonic scale. Harmonic changes are being suggested by putting the same notes in different positions. Drei Stille Lieder should be performed 'piano' and without any melodrama. The music should almost 'stand still', in order to express the beauty of Hölderlin's lyrics. It can be sung by a mezzo-soprano or an alto, but also (one octave lower) by a tenor or baritone. The piano part could also be played by a harp.

(First performance in the UK: 22-2-2000 - British Music Information Centre, London - Clare Lesser and David Lesser)










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